Spencer Tunick Plans Giant Nude Photo Shoot in Mexico City
New York photographer Spencer Tunick, best known for staging photos with hundreds, often thousands of naked people in public settings, is planning his largest photo shoot ever this Sunday, May 6th in Mexico City (English translation). It will feature and estimated 6,000-9,000 naked Mexicans and take place in The Zócalo, Mexico City’s famous city square, which once was the center of the Aztec Empire.
If you are in Mexico City this Sunday and want to participate, it looks like the registration is still open. Wikipedia has more on Spencer Tunick.
Naked Demonstration in Thailand
Former PETA intern Ashley just sent along these great pictures from her "All Animals Have the Same Parts" pro-vegetarian demonstration yesterday for PETA’s Asia Pacific affiliate.
It seems like the whole thing went over pretty damn well. The photographers in particular look really pleased with themselves for some reason. Anyway, I just wanted to give a shout-out to Ashley, who"s always willing to go that extra mile to help animals (e.g., "Hey Ashley, would you mind going to Thailand, getting naked, and painting yourself like cuts of meat to point out the absurdity of treating any living being like an object? Great, thanks."). Ashley—you"re amazing. Check out the pics:

It seems like the whole thing went over pretty damn well. The photographers in particular look really pleased with themselves for some reason. Anyway, I just wanted to give a shout-out to Ashley, who"s always willing to go that extra mile to help animals (e.g., "Hey Ashley, would you mind going to Thailand, getting naked, and painting yourself like cuts of meat to point out the absurdity of treating any living being like an object? Great, thanks."). Ashley—you"re amazing. Check out the pics: