Left: Jackie Tommassino attended the event with her brother, Alex. Jackie serves as the Social Media Manager at The Buoniconti Fund.

Stephanie Sayfie Aagaard with her beautiful mother, Suzie Sayfie (left). Stephanie is dedicated to working at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and The Buoniconti Fund, the world’s most comprehensive spinal cord injury research center based at the University of Miami"s Miller School of Medicine. You may also recognize Stephanie because she covers the social, celebrity, sports and charity scene in South Florida for her “Steph Sez” column every Sunday in The Miami Herald’s Tropical Life section.

Ernesto Belasques, Noelia Roman and Alexandra Santibanez were among some of the guests at Journelle. I had a great time chatting with them because we"re all around the same age and let me tell you: Alexandra has an awesome sense of style. You rock!

Alex Tommasino, Luis Hernandez and Francis Wenke. Mr. Wenke is actually scheduled to appear on CBS4 News this week to talk about his involvement with the Shake a Leg Community Center in Miami. Wenke works with the center to encourage disabled soldiers from Iraq to enjoy water activities like sailing and scuba diving. For more information, visit http://www.shakealegmiami.org/.

Shopping through the La Perla section to support a great cause!

The lovely ladies from Journelle and La Perla. Cheers to a wonderful event and see you next time! Journelle is located at 1111 Lincoln Road. You may also check out their sexy lingerie online at www.Journelle.com. For more information on The Buoniconti Fund or to make a donation toward their research initiatives, visit www.TheBuonicontiFund.com.